The Garden Men have completed a number of projects and provided landscape maintenance recommendations to this school over the past few years. The La Nino weather contributes to above average rainfall which the gardens and lawns have benefited from with increased growth and vigour. The garden within the school quadrangle was overgrown and reducing the amount of natural light to stairways, corridors and the classrooms. The school wanted to address this overgrowth and engaged The Garden Men to assist.
What we did
The Garden men visited the site and identified a number of weed species such as a broad leaf Privet which grows rampant throughout the Sydney Basin. In consultation with the school groundsman, a plan was formulated to remove selected trees and weeds , prune and crown lift selected bottlebrush and murraya, plant native dianella caerulea as low ground cover and mulch the quadrangle garden with a recycled hardwood mulch finish.
The obstacles encountered on this projects included navigating the school timetable and working within this to ensure student safety and avoid disturbance to classroom teaching as the work wasn’t able to be undertaken on weekends. Deliveries of landscape material and removal of waste was carefully managed with safety equipment and work was performed outside teaching hours.
The positive result ensured increased natural light and visibility for students , teachers and the school community. The garden areas were refreshed with new plantings and mulch which contribute to students feeling great about coming to their school.