Water Pressure Cleaning

West Pennant Hills


Anthony and Tracy had recently had a large gum tree removed from the front of their house. The gum tree had damaged the path and garden edge leading up their front door. The Garden  Men were engaged to repair the front path and garden edging with a excellant result received. At the conclusion of this project, Tracy noted that the rest the paved areas and sandstone capping was looking “tired and dirty” with the years of grim buildup and requested that The Garden Men freshen up this area to match the recently installed garden path and edging. 

What we did

The Garden Men got to work with its water pressure machine to wash all of the hard surfaces at the residence. These areas including the garden paths, the retaining wall, the driveway as well the sandstone capping. The result of the front so impressed Tracy and Anthony that a request was made to continue this week and complete all hard surfaces in their backyard. 


The end result was awesome with Anthony & Tracy very much pleased with the end result. The before and after photos really highlight the quick result that can be achieved through water pressure cleaning of the hard surfaces of your property.

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