5 Simple Tips to Upgrade Your Garden Design Today

Has your garden been looking a little bland? Want to increase its aesthetics without investing a lot of time or money? There are many ways to create a more beautiful garden with minimal effort or funds.

Has your garden been looking a little bland? Want to increase its aesthetics without investing a lot of time or money? There are many ways to create a more beautiful garden with minimal effort or funds.

Read on for five of the simplest ways to upgrade your garden design today.

1. Get Rid of Clutter

Getting rid of clutter in your garden can increase its visual appeal and make it easier to take care of. Start by ensuring you’ve left ample space between your plants. Not only does this look better, but it gives your plants the space they need to grow and thrive. 

Consider cutting your lawn decorations by half. Aim to have no more than two to five lawn ornaments. The smaller your yard, the fewer lawn ornaments you should have. Too many of these decorative pieces will make your garden look like a mess and make mowing or weeding difficult. 

2. Choose An Assortment of Bright Colours

Choose your garden’s plants and flowers in an array of bright colours that will draw the eye where you want to. Brightly coloured gardens also create a happier, more relaxing outdoor atmosphere. You might try to incorporate flowers in reds, pinks, yellows, and purples. 

3. Switch Out Your Mulch

Mulch is generally available in three primary colours – red, brown, and black. Most people choose natural brown mulch. Using red or black mulch in your flower beds and around your trees can make your garden pop by offering more contrast. 

4. Get Creative With Borders

There are many options for garden bed borders. Many people choose small metal fences or wooden logs. While these borders are perfect for some homeowners, it’s possible to add a touch of personality by using creative border options instead.

One idea would be to create your border using red bricks. You can place these vertically or stack them horizontally, depending on which you find most aesthetically appealing. Stones like river rocks make beautiful, natural-looking garden borders.

5. Choose Local Plants and Flowers

Choosing local plants and flowers will make your gardening much more manageable. It also allows your garden to thrive because everything in it would naturally grow in your region. Healthier plants and flowers are naturally more beautiful. 

Upgrade Your Garden Design Today

There are many easy ways to create more beautiful garden designs with minimal effort. The five listed above are great starting places, although they are far from the only options. Speak to our professional landscape gardeners to learn what options you have to upgrade your garden design today!

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