Boost Your Backyard with a Vertical Garden

Tired of looking at a boring wooden fence? Improve an unused area of the backyard with a vertical garden!

With many of us spending more time at home, we’re getting a lot of enquiries about making some improvements to the backyard. By far, one of the biggest requests – especially for smaller homes – is about setting up a Vertical Garden.

Why are vertical gardens awesome?

There are a number of reasons why we absolutely LOVE vertical gardens.

  • It’s great for your mental health to look out of a window and see plants. The fences, walls, sheds, balconies – they’re all there in some form or another, so why not turn these to into living vertical gardens (that are so good for us and the environment).
  • Vertical gardens are much better to look at than bare fence or wall
  • Greenery improves the value of your outdoor area
  • A vertical garden can be a great talking point with your visitors (well, when you get them)
  • You can choose any combination of plants such as herbs, ornamentals, or succulents to match any vertical spot in your home or business

Why don’t more people have vertical gardens?

For most people we speak to, they’re often worried about the cost and complexity of setting up and maintaining the vertical garden.

  • Firstly, it’s not that hard to do. You can get some really great vertical systems with easy to follow instructions on installation, planting, irrigation and maintenance.
  • Secondly, it’s also a lot more affordable to get started than people usually think. While you can make more expensive vertical gardens, it will come down to material and plant selection.

What do you need to know about planning a vertical garden?

There are a couple of things you will need to consider when planning your vertical garden:

  1. Have a reason of where to put it and why. Do you look out on this area often (such kitchen window or where you sit down for dinner or entertain)? It could be an area that gets really hot, so you would like to reflect the heat with appropriate plantings. Or it could just be an old fence that you do not want to look at anymore.
  2. Can the structure support your vertical garden? Will the fence hold it up? Are you allowed to fix directly into brick or masonry wall? Do you need to install a structure for your vertical garden to gain greater height?
  3. Sun – does it get morning sun or is it in a shady area? Or will the hot western sun bake the area each summer?
  4. Is it windy?
  5. Is there a water supply close for irrigation?
  6. It is vital to understand what you are asking of your plants when you put them in and MATCH THE RIGHT PLANT TO THE RIGHT SITUATION. Get this right and you are well on your way to flourishing vertical living art.
  7. Type – the choice is endless for the type of product and style for your vertical garden. You could range from using wall pots, hanging fence planters, trellis and lattice for a vine, pocket planters as well using recycled material such as pallets, steel mesh and even pvc pipe. The photos below are a DIY grow wall vertical system which can be completed in just a few hours.
  8. Planting – I love this stage and is a great opportunity to show your creative side. With the right type of plants you can play around with matching colours, shapes, styles and how these are arranged. Make sure you use a quality potting mix or designed soil medium to match your plant requirements and you’re set to go.
  9. Irrigating your plants is an essential step and if using the hose is not your cup of tea then pay that little bit extra to install a irrigation system that is set up for the day, time and duration your garden is watered for all by itself (while you get to sit back and enjoy).

What now?

Create that better look in your garden! We’re running a great 25% off discount on installing your very own Grow Wall Vertical garden system. Let the Garden Men come out and give you hand to help make your vertical garden dreams a reality.

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