How To Control Herb Garden Growth

Herb gardens are awesome, BUT it’s so easy for them to get out of control. Check out our tips in this article.
selective focus of plants

Admit it… those herbs growing in your garden aren’t just there for their culinary value. And even though cultivating a garden for food ranks among the top reasons people do it, there are still many more.

Other than their powerful medicinal properties, herbs beautify your garden by adding a pop of colour. And with herbs such as sage and winter savoury, you’re able to fight erosion while giving your garden a unique scent. And let’s not forget one of the main attractions: they are straightforward to plant and grow. 

But the problem begins when there’s an overgrowth. And if you’re a home gardener, or a strata manager who runs a commercial premise, this problem becomes magnified. This is especially true when there’s a requirement for ongoing landscape maintenance.

In this article, we create a straightforward guide on how to keep herb growth under control. 

Selecting Healthy Herbs

To limit future problems with your garden later, you want to start by selecting the right herbs. Purchase herbs from an experienced supplier with enough knowledge about herbs. But always go a step further by examining them: you want to look for signs of sickness. That is, droopy, discoloured leaves, sparse foliage, and even bugs are all terrible signs. 

Also, familiarise yourself with the herbs that tend to grow fast. Basil, parsley, coriander, and mint are significant culprits for germinating a number of weeks. And whether you buy them as seeds or already grown plants, keeping a constant eye on them is advised. 

Keep Them Potted

Remember the herbs mentioned above that grow very fast? They are also very aggressive when invading a garden, which can affect the appearance and growth of the rest of your herbs. To keep this from happening, grow these specific herbs in pots. If you have to add them to the garden, bury them in the soil while still potted.

Check the Timing

The last thing anyone ever thinks about when planting and cultivating herbs is the timing. But just like any other plant, the timing can affect its growth. And in the case of fast-growing such as chives and basil, starting too early can easily lead to an overgrowth.

If you’re unsure about the proper timing, check to see if the seed packet came with any information. If not, check the company’s website. Most companies provide information on appropriate planting time. 

Plant Herbs Together

Yes, you can plant herbs together. What is often referred to as companion planting can help in promoting healthy growth, improve herb flavour and keep pests away. But most importantly, this method can help control herb growth.

However, not all herbs can be grown together. For instance, herbs that tend to invade, like mint and oregano, shouldn’t be planted together with other herbs. Grow mints together with other mints instead. 

Herbs such as Chives, catnip, tarragon, and cilantro are great for companion planting. 


There are numerous reasons gardeners should prune their herbs. From encouraging new healthier growth to propagating fresh growth, pruning is a must. But more importantly, this method helps stop the overgrowth of your garden while keeping the size of your herbs in check. 

But theirs is such as a thing as excess pruning. Herbs such as mint, cilantro, basil, and oregano do well with light but regular pruning. This is because they are herbaceous plants that lack the woody stems that most herbs are praised for having. 

Try pruning them early while they are still young. Cutting at least two inches off the top will help promote fuller growth. 

Evergreen herbs, on the other hand, such as sage, rosemary, and lavender do well with hard pruning. These types require very little care and are best pruned just as they start growing. 

Watch the Fertiliser Concentration

If you’re looking to keep a handle on the growth of your herbs, watch your fertiliser concentrations. Too much could spell a problem in your garden and the appearance landscape. However, fertilisers with a low concentration limit excessive growth while giving the herbs an enviable healthy appearance.

Light Exposure 

Light and temperature are known to affect the rate and health of a plant’s growth. For most novice gardeners, this is a no-brainer. But as more and more people take to growing home gardens, this is information that could make or break their herbs’ health.

Herbs grown outdoors need to be exposed to sunshine for at least six hours. Any more than that could mean an overgrowth. This also means that once that cold season rolls around, their growth will slow down significantly. 

Basil is known to thrive in warm temperatures and enough light exposure. However, herbs such as chives, mints, parsley, and thyme only do well in low light.

And before planting them, always consider the type of soil you’re growing your herbs in. Ground that ranges between neutral and slightly acidic promote healthy and steady growth in most herbs. So, be sure to perform a soil test before planting them. 

Ask for Help

One of the fastest and surest ways to control herb growth is by hiring a professional. Thanks to their experience, they can quickly point out what’s wrong and fix the problem without much damage or loss. And if you’re a strata manager, hiring a pro is probably the best way to curb a potential problem.

The Garden Men provide landscaping and maintenance in Sydney. If you’re interested in getting some help with your herb garden, get in touch today.

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